The Artwork of LOVE Valentine’s Day Art Showcase

Valentine’s Day is approaching and in the spirit of LUH-OVE I wanted to share a few pieces of artwork that I appreciate. In seeking out these beauties I found it a bit tedious while searching the term/phrase Valentine’s Day Artwork, So using my trusty research skills I had to search other appropriate terms to get the right set of pieces to introduce to you here today. As you will see these pieces are all a tribute to my wonderful love of vibrant colors. So I hope you enjoy.

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

Love Always Qualah


Love is all around you. it comes in all shapes colors and sizes. This intimate image of black love is simply beautiful and powerful.
Love is all around you. it comes in all shapes colors and sizes. This intimate image of black love is simply beautiful and powerful.

So just let this piece speak for itself. Love is beautiful, and you know what I love to see. Positive depictions of Black love African love whatever you wanna call it. I love to see a realistic depiction of my people. Too often in the mainstream media we are vilified and wrongfully depicted as being drug dealers,  whores, hoochie mamas, baby mamas what have you and not properly represented enough. So here it is.


This art forms the ultimate symbol of love with its loving branches
This art forms the ultimate symbol of love with its loving branches









This tree. Well what can I say. A love tree displaying all its love tricks with its branches forming the shape of my heart! Ahh aren’t hearts cute!





In this piece a couple stops for a quick smooch under the protection of an umbrella. This piece represents Artwork of Love!!!
In this piece a couple stops for a quick smooch under the protection of an umbrella. This piece represents Artwork of Love!!!

Unfortunately, I couldn’t get a larger size on this one, but it is still very clear what you see. Love is in the air (In my Frank Sinatra Voice). One leg up with a kiss, one clear sign that a girl is just about, almost about to Melt! :~D Melt away lovers! Melt Away.


This heart looks a bit abstract see if you can find the hidden objects
This heart looks a bit abstract see if you can find the hidden objects

Abstract art. As I look at it I notice that this heart is almost…. Sad. :~(


This is a beautiful rendition of the tree of love with its wind blown heart shaped leaves.
This is a beautiful rendition of the tree of love with its wind blown heart shaped leaves.

The Luh-ove Tree. Look at how the wind takes the heart shaped leaves away. Drifting into the land of endlessly delightful love. LOL I know right I’m totally goofy and romantically imaginative.


Color hearts its all about colorful love. what is the color of love? Do you know?
Color hearts its all about colorful love. what is the color of love? Do you know?

The color of Luh-Ove (I like writing it like that cause you can almost hear me say it… Luh-Ove, can you hear it?) A simple heart display but a play on colors. A colorful heart, well don’t you think a colorful heart has a colorful love life, or love interest. Just a thought.



A mural can say a thousand words with its intricate details. I love the obvious message of this mural so I thought it would be a great add, for this Love or Valentine’s Day Theme.

Loved this mural. Had to add to my list of love artwork
Loved this mural. Had to add to my list of love artwork



This reminded me of valentines day because of its color scheme. These colors were very beautiful.
This reminded me of valentines day because of its color scheme. These colors were very beautiful.

This brilliant Valentine’s Day Like color scheme reminded me of Valentine’s Day. May have nothing to do with it, but Just enjoy alright!


Don't know why this poped up but for me the colors and the heart added a bit of  valentines day cynicism.
Don’t know why this poped up but for me the colors and the heart added a bit of valentines day cynicism.

Cynical Love rendition. There are a few indicators of love and happiness but ultimately looks like OHHHH Maybe the death of love!?!?!?! What do ya think???


Intimate and almost devine this show of affection is almost breathtaking in and of itself.
Intimate and almost devine this show of affection is almost breathtaking in and of itself.

This Piece Intimate and almost devine. The fabric of our makeup may indeed thrive from a strong love connection. Or Not! I just think this piece is the opitome of passion desire which stems from or leads to Love.



So we come to the end of this Valentine’s Day a.k.a. Love themed showcase of artwork. I must end it off with some of my favorite things… Hearts, Vibrant Colors Its just the way to end off this theme! Don’t you think? Abstract, kinda reminds me of graffiti, but not that much. Happy Valentine’s Day Ladies And Gentlemen Stay tuned for my Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas, Valentine’s Day Poem and Anti-Valentine’s Day! Have lots of fun and lots of love and until next time Stay Healthy, Stay Happy and Always Stay Loving. Don’t Forget to Live, Love, Laugh, Sing and Dance! Peace Qualah

Had to end this off with a colorful heart. Nothing says valentines day or love or sweeties day like a heart shape. Enjoy, Happy Valentine's Day!
Had to end this off with a colorful heart. Nothing says valentines day or love or sweeties day like a heart shape. Enjoy, Happy Valentine’s Day!