Depending on the brand of your nail polish it can have a 1-2 year shelf life… On occasion you’ll have a polish that can go the distance and last longer but their usually a gonner within this range.
If you notice your nail polish is looking a little sticky or DRY (if that’s the right term) You can bring it back to like, with a few easy steps.
You’ll Need:
An Old crusty nail polish
Nail Polish Thinner
Step 1
Take your nail polish thinner, pour a small amount into the nail polish bottle.
Step 2
Shake the bottle until you hear/feel movement(if none repeat step 1)
Step 3
When you feel movement check to see if the polish is back to your desired thickness. After these few easy steps your nail polish is ready to try. Before you’re ready to use your polish, test it out to see if it is ready. Fixing your old nail polish is an easy quick fix. This post was the super BASIC version on how to repair your nail polish.
Until Next Time
Stay Healthy Happy and Always Loving