Making your home green does not need to be difficult. The following tips will help you obtain a greener home.
Tip 1 – Get rid of large grassy areas in your lawn unless you have small children. Large expanses of gas require a lot of maintenance and water to stay healthy.
Tip 2 – Use plant species that are native to your area rather than exotic species. Native plants typically require less water and care than exotic species. Furthermore, native plant species are typically cheaper.
Tip 3 – You can reduce waste by composting organic wastes. Compost can be used to enrich your soil and add nutrients to your garden.
Tip 4 – Harvest rainwater to help conserve water. A rain barrel allows you to collect rainwater, which can be used to water your lawn or garden or wash your car.
Tip 5 – Check your plumbing fixtures for leaks. Leaky faucets, tanks and toilets cause water waste. In fact, fixing these leaks can save up to 600 gallons of water each month.
Tip 6 – Decrease the amount of water in the tank of your toilet by placing a bottle or bag of rocks in the tank. This will decrease the amount of water used when you flush the toilet and can save between five and ten gallons of water each day.
Tip 7 – Turn off the water while you are shaving or brushing your teeth. Allowing water to run during these tasks uses 4 gallons of water each minute.
Tip 8 – If you need to go a short distance, walk rather than driving your car. This not only saves fuel but also helps keep you fit.
Tip 9 – Replace your incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). CFL light bulbs consume less than 75 percent less energy incandescent light bulbs and last ten times longer.
Tip 10 – Unplug your chargers and other appliances that are not in use to decrease energy consumption and lower your electric bill.
Tip 11 – Choose organic bedding for a greener home. Organic bedding use natural or recycled materials to help save the environment.
Tip 12 – Before purchasing large appliances, do your research. Large appliances can be energy guzzlers and are bulky and take up space in your home. Find the best appliance that fits your needs to save energy. Choose Energy Star appliances for your kitchen. When it comes to Energy Star appliances, do not choose Energy Star appliances with a rating below 4. Also compare your energy provider for cheaper energy
Tip 13 – Conserve energy in the kitchen by covering your pans when you are cooking. Covering your pans helps to conserve energy and emits fewer gases into the air.
Tip 14 – Opt for organic detergents and non-chlorine based bleach. These products contain toxins and chemicals that can leach into the soil and contaminate the water table.
Tip 15 – Use dishtowels rather than paper towels to dry your hands and clean up messes in the kitchen.
Tip 16 – Do not use plastic bags; instead, use reusable shopping bags or Use old jars to store bulk items in your kitchen. This helps you reuse, reduce and recycle things in your kitchen.
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