When you receive a new set of extension with a closure … its really like getting a new pair of shoes.
You have to try them on, break em in, customize the shoe strings etc. With your bundles its no different. Before you actually wear your extensions you run your fingers through the bundles, shake it around in the air, and you customize by either making a wig, baby hairs, color or all of the above. When you first start out with making wigs or wearing extensions there’s always an incubation period where you have to learn the ropes. Today we’re gonna focus on the closure.
I got some hair sent to me by Glamroom.org they offer gorgeous Virgin bundles with affordable prices. They offer Brazilian Deep Wave, Body Wave and Straight hair. I was sent their Brailizian Body Wave 18″, 20″, 22″ and a 14″ 4×4 Closure.
Like every girl excited to get that WIG DID, I quickly opened the package and ran my fingers through the hair. As always necessary I did a full inspection of the weft, hair itself, the ends and the closure.
I honestly had NO COMPLAINT, But I did notice I’d need to bleach the knots on the 14″ closure, That’s whats we’re all about today!!! Bleaching Dem knots
Why do we bleach the knots
Bleaching the knots on your closure will help make the hair appear as if it is growing from the scalp.
During the closure production, when the hair is tied to the lace there is a dark knot where the hair is secured in place.
Bleaching or “lightening” the knots reduce the visibility of these knot to give a more natural appearance.
Steps to Bleaching the Lace Closure
Step 1 Turn either your frontal, closure or 360 Frontal inside out or flip over to show the lace. If your closure has baby hairs, pin them down with clips to make sure they are out of the way.
Step 2 Use 1-2 scoops of lightening powder. Scoop into your mixing bowl. Add less than an equal amount of the 20, 30 or 40 developer into a color mixing bowl and mix into a thick consistency. The consistency should be similar to thick toothpaste. You don’t want your mixture to be runny because it will seep through the lace and saturate the hairs on the lace.
Step 3 Apply the mixture onto the lace closure with your applicator brush with even strokes. The mixture should be evenly applied in a thick layer across the entire piece of lace. Let it sit for no more than 30 minutes or until there is a noticeable change in color at the base of the lace. When you notice the hairs at the hairline of your lace start to lighten, just slightly honey blonde, it’s time to go on to the next step.
Step 4 Rinse the lightener off of the lace closure try to avoid getting bleach onto the hair. Continue rinsing until all of the bleach is off. Thoroughly wash and condition your lace closure or frontal, making certain you have rinsed out all of the lighteners.
Step 5 Let your lace closure air dry. If you’re in a rush, you can blow dry, but it’s best to let your hair air dry after a chemical process to avoid damage.
If you want to see the process in action watch this Step By Step Tutorial on How To
Bleach Your Closure Knots
If you’re looking for a amazing bundles check out Glamroom.org and get your Remy Brazilian Bundles for the low low’s.
Until next time
Stay Healthy Happy and Always Loving