How To Cleanse & Detangle Your Hair Naturally No Shampoo

So there are a few things that we all at some point may need to know. 1. How to get your hair clean on that day you run out of shampoo 2. How to rid your hair and scalp of product buildup and 3. How to get rid of those tangles or kinks in your hair. If your hair has a tendency to get tangled, matted, knotted, kinky etc. then you know exactly how painful, damaging and/or frustrating it can to be to get a comb or brush through without snagging your hair and snapping your neck back.. LITERALLY! I am a girl with naturally kinky curly hair and there is nothing more frustrating about my natural hair than the Cleaning/Detangling process. Because 1 it takes too damn long! and 2. in order to retain a healthy head of hair I HAVE TO DETANGLE it which makes it a longer process. There have been times when I have dragged my feet absolutely dreading wash day. Procrastination for this process had been at an all time high sometimes going days, WEEKS even before I’d finally break down and take a Saturday to wash my hair. Side Note: When I say wash my hair I am automatically including the detangling process, it just has to be done!

So keep in mind when girls say they have to wash their hair they are using the excuse of a girl with the struggle of have long, thick, kinky hair. It really does take a lot time for me to wash detangle style my hair and sometimes I’m not able to do them all in one day. Sad but true. Keeping up with natural hair takes work.

But 1 day years ago I learned that you could clean your hair naturally with apple cider vinegar. So I decided to give it a try. Low and behold I also learned in that day when I picked up my comb that Apple Cider Vinegar Was a gold mine when it came to detangling. Not only did it make detangling less painful, but it also made it 100 times easier to do. This I learned by accident and when I tested the theory 4 weeks in a row on myself and my daughter I was completely sold and happy that I had learned a new method to wash day. Needless to say from that day on I have never looked for another way to detangle and I no longer dread wash day.

This method of cleansing your hair is so awesome because it allows you to completely eliminate product buildup in your hair and it also gives you relief from the need to use tones of shampoo(which we all know strips the hair) on wash day. So without further adou I will share with you How I use Apple Cider Vinegar To Clean and Detangle My Hair. I hope  you enjoy!

Until Next Time Remember Stay Healthy Happy and Always Loving.
