Money Monday: 5 Ways To Market Your Business Online + LIVE VIDEO

Marketing your business online is a sure fire way to capture new leads and generate additional sales. With online taking over the business world its important for the life of your business to understand and know how to market online. Online marketing can be done in several ways and offers a range of ways that you can strike it big if you do it right.

Affiliate Marketing

There are several ways to market your business online. Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest and best ways to market your business because it is a performance based methods that helps you generate leads for your business while allowing you to maintaining your budget.

Influencer Marketing-

Influencer marketing hit big a few years ago and it’ll only keep growing from here. Forbes stated in an article that over 75% of marketers have used influencers to market their business and/or products and the numbers keep growing. Influencer marketing is an extremely effective form of marketing because influencers already have established a rapport with their audience. When influencers introduce your product their audience has confidence the influencer will share product that are relevant, trendy and of value to them. When an influencer shares your products they refer many ready to buy customers who can quickly turn into loyal cult fan consumers.

Social Media Ads

Social media ads are a great way to market your business right into the hands and homes social-media-advertisingof your potential customers. At this point social media marketing is all but out of hand! You can market on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. and the best part about social media marketing is the sophisticated ad managers that offer highly effective targeting tools. Facebook ad manage to be specific has grown over the years, I can now say that facebook ad manager is very close to google with the amount of data contained and gathered. The best part about it is, its extremely user friendly, algorithms are CONSISTENTLY updated,  and you can make changes in your hand while grabbing Tea. To Get Your Facebook Advertising Guide Now Click Here!

Video Marketing

Video marketing is highly effective especially with items that garner attention based on its visual appearance. Nevertheless Video marketing is the way to go for ANY Campaign!!! Just think of commercials… As a kid we knew them like songs on the radio… Give me a break, Give me a break…. You know the rest and I dont even have to add a picture. That alone should tell you how important and effective video marketing can be. Creating short video ads such as demonstration, product placements, reviews, even using influencers to do it can take your business from $0 to 10,000 REAL Quick (In My Drake Voice). Video marketing should be a part of EVERY CAMPAIGN especially since you can pull out your phone and make one right now!!!

Display and Text Ads

Major search engines google bing yahooGoogle, Yahoo, Bing, Ask … All still offer text and display ads for online marketing. These ads are a great way to spark interest for those consumers looking for products, comparison shopping and window shopping. The thing is you want to present your product in every way you can to ensure consumers are aware of your brand, your products and services. Text and display ads are no different. These little tidbits of information cause consumers to slow down for a split second to read the ad learn who, what, when and where before making a decision.

Using all methods will ensure your brand is recognizable so that when those window shoppers do need to buy they will notice your name and click on your link. Marketing your business online can be scary if you’re not sure how to do it. Just be sure to create your budget, find your target market, target your audience and create compelling sales camaigns to encourage buyers to pick you.

Well thats all for Money Monday! Tell me which method do you use to market your business?

I’ll be going LIVE ON FACEBOOK!!! I hope to see you at 3pm Today On Facebook LIVE!!! Video will be posted after.


Thanks so much for stopping by I’ll see you next time… Until Next Time

Stay Healthy Happy and Always Loving

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