Natural Hair Troubles: Baby Hair Woes How Do You Get Yo Edges Laid Girl

I have this secret running Joke… I ain’t got baby hairs! Not for not trying, but because My 100% Untouched Natural edges don’t give 1 DAMN about me from time to time wanting some baby edges😏. There has been only 1 time in recently recorded history that my edges complied …. But only for a few short moments. Seems like at the stroke of midnight my 1 accomplished baby hairs … WERE GONE!!! Never to been seen again.

Boi I thought I was doing something with my lil 1 lil baby hair

So I will take you through the steps I took that 1 dark night when my edges complied with the edge control.

When you have natural hair … you only have 1 shotOne shot to get it right or the night is done!

How To Lay Your Baby Hairs

  • First decide which style you want to accomplish.
  • When you’ve decided your desired style, prep your hair. Separate a small portion of your edges not a lot but enough to make it happen.
  • Grab your edge control… Control your edges. Take a rat tail comb place the edge control on your desired baby hairs and shaped to your desired style.
  • Then you grab your scarf and tie it around your edges until you’re ready to go Right!

How to get baby edges on Natural hair

Seems easy right! Well then why my edges always look like a WHOLE STRUGGLE??

how to do Baby edges on natural hair

Seems to me like I need to go to baby hair school OR TRY HARDER!!! Real Talk tho I gave up the baby hair game LONG before it came back into style. I just happened to try it that 1 Night and it Worked! Other than that … #AtLeastIGotEdges Lol

Well ladies there it is. I can’t get my edges on a consistent schedule. I can do elaborate styles and Really cute too but them edges boo… They Will Not Comply!

What do you use for your edges??? Lmk down below maybe I need new edge control.

Until Next Time Love….

Stay Healthy Happy and Always Loving

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3 thoughts on “Natural Hair Troubles: Baby Hair Woes How Do You Get Yo Edges Laid Girl

  1. My baby hairs are the exact same way! But I’m ok with only having them from time to time. Sometimes I think others go a little overboard. I love the tips! Thanks for sharing!

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