We First start out by taking Sinful Colors’ Chick Chick and applying this to the nail near cuticle.
Take a sponge and add Orange-A-Peel By Salon Perfect. Sponge The color onto the nail, blending into chick chick.
Now apply Sculptured Carnation By Finger Paints onto a sponge and apply to the nail in a rocking motion
Now to complete the look Take NYC’s Fuschia Shock Creme’ and Apply to the very tip of the nail. After it all dries apply your favorite top coat.
And your Done!
Here are the final results! I hope you like it more pictures and a video tutorial below. Enjoy!
Stay Healthy Happy and Always loving
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e103enYBmMg]
Wow , you made very easy to do. You nails look so pretty .
Thank you so much Love. I was hoping it would be easy to follow so I really appreciate your feedback.