Hey Guy! 🖐🏾 I know my posting frequency has been down a little BUT its for Great reason! I’ve decided to make the move from WordPress.com to the self hosted platform. That means my posting frequency will be decreased slightly for a bit but it will be back in full swing soon.
Today I’m here to share with you the Royal Formula Argan Oil Hydrating hair mask. It was sent to me by a rep at Royal Formula to try in my free time. This product hails from the professional series, I’m assuming that gives it magical powers lol. You ever notice how professional salon products always turn your hair into someones else’s head of hair😏 I mean because it couldn’t possibly be your head of hair behaving this well. 😂 Now that I know its a salon series hair product, I assume I’m going to be putting fairy dust into my hair and stepping out of the shower into a whole new world lol. Lets get the deets.
Argan Oil
The Vitamin-E hub for hair; Often used as a hair treatment to soothe and remedy dry scalp and dandruff; Argan Oil is also frequently used as a conditioner. Because Argan oil is infused with Vitamin-E in large quantities it’s also the perfect solution to stimulate hair growth, promote healthy hair and moisture for all textures. It is especially beneficial to hair types prone to dryness.

What I Found Out After Trying It
This creamy formula is just the right texture to moisturize thick dry hair. This water based hair mask claims to hydrate, moisturize and repair dry damaged hair. For starters the mask smells divine!!! In all levels of divinity A+ there.
The texture is creamy medium thick almost has the texture of Cantu Shea. Its comes in a 8oz jar and has a great consistency for various hair types. When I put the mask on my hair my hair became easier to detangle. The directions say to let sit on the hair for 5 minutes, I did let it sit for longer, but I’d recommend sticking to the directions. After rinsing the mask out of my hair I decides to blow dry and style my hair.
Now that my hair is styled and I’ve had the chance to try this mask out… I have to say for sure I like the results. My hair is soft, I noticed it felt less tangled and of course the fragrant formula still remains and smells great as well. While the mask was on I noticed my curls immediately reacted and coily curls formed almost immediately. My overall first impression is I like the product it really did well with my hair. However we all know that you can’t get the full understanding of a product on 1st try. I want to continue to use this product. I’ll certainly keep you updated and let you know what I think after a few more uses.
For now I like it and I do recommend this product.
Until Next Time…
Stay Healthy Happy and Always Loving